LO1/2: Legal and Ethical Consideration Report

This report is about the legal and ethical issues I will face when creating my website, how they could impact my project and what I can do to solve these problems. The legal Issues I will likely face are copyright and Data protection and then the Ethical issues being offence and misrepresentation.
The first issue I will address is the legal issue, Copyright. Copyright is when only the creator of products, and those given permission by the creator, have the right to use the product. This could impact my website through the use of images and videos. Certain images or videos I may want to use could be copyrighted. I could comply with this by finding my images from a copyright free website such as Pexels. All photos and videos on Pexels are Free to use, Giving credit to the photographer is not necessary and you can modify photos and videos. Alternatively I could take my own photos. Then for videos I could again use copyright free videos from Pexels or alternatively ask the creator of a video from YouTube for permission to include it.
The second issue I will address is the legal issue, Data Protection Act. The Data Protection Act controls how your personal data is used by organisations, Businesses or the government. Everyone responsible for using personal data has to follow strict rules called 'data protection principles'. They must make sure the information is: used fairly, lawfully and transparently. Users have the right to be informed about how your data is being used, access personal data, have incorrect data updated, have data erased, stop or restrict the processing of your data, data portability (allowing you to get and reuse your data for different services), object to how your data is processed in certain circumstances. This could impact my website since I will have a contact page that will require an email address. I can comply with this by adding a Data protection statement(GDPR) to disclose how the information will be used. 

The third issue I will be addressing is the ethical issue, offence. Offence in this case would be if my website hurt or possibly angered people whether that be due to language used or even images. this could impact my website if I referred to something in the wrong way upsetting people that it may relate to or if I used things  such as slurs or other offensive words. I can ensure that I don't cause offence by not using slurs or offensive words. I can also do some research to make sure that I word everything in the best possible way in order to not offend people.

My final issue I will address is Misrepresentation. Misrepresentation is when you give a false account of something. This could impact my site through man descriptions of the place. If I get it wrong it could have a negative impact on not only the business but also my website. I could ensure that I don't cause problems for local businesses by looking at how they describe themselves on their websites to make sure that all of my descriptions are accurate and portray the businesses in the best, most accurate light.

In conclusion, in order to create a successful website, I must consider these legal and ethical issues. If I don't I risk getting my website removed or even a possible lawsuit.


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